Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds on WI

Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds - COBUG

February 23, 2011

The Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds (COBUG) hereby declares its support of and solidarity with the public sector unions of Wisconsin who have come under attack by the Governor of that state.

It is one thing to ask for givebacks from labor to help balance the budget in the form of wage cuts and higher contributions to sustain welfare and pension plans. But to aim at the fundamental rights of trade unions to collectively bargain over working conditions, to collect dues, to represent their members – these actions are nothing less than an all out assault against the basic underpinnings of the labor movement.

COBUG urges all of its members to stand by their Wisconsin sisters and brothers by speaking out against the legislative measures proposed by Governor Walker. We must stand together to rebuff this onslaught against organized labor – whether public or private. The right of all trade unions to legitimately negotiate and represent their members is at stake.

The members of COBUG have labor contracts or work for or with the Broadway League. COBUG was established to strengthen the position of Unions and Guilds within the industry, to participate in decision making that affects Broadway and the art and craft of theatre at large, and to educate the broader community about the collective role Coalition members play in keeping our industry vibrant and healthy.

Founding Member Organizations:
Actors’ Equity Association
American Federation of Musicians
American Guild of Musical Artists
Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers (ATPAM)
Dramatists Guild of America
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees
IATSE Local One (Stagehands)
IATSE Local 306 (Ushers and Ticket Takers)
IATSE Local 751 (Ticket Sellers)
IATSE Local 764 (Wardrobe)
IATSE 798 (Make-up and Hair)
IATSE Local USA 829 (United Scenic Artists)
Local 30 (Operating Engineers)
Local 802 (American Federation of Musicians)
SEIU Local 32BJ (Theatre Division)
Stage Directors and Choreographers Society
IBT Local 817 (Theatrical Teamsters)

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