Monday, April 18, 2011

Oinkie and Schlomo's Hip-Hop Pesach

Gonna tell you the story of a guy named Moses
He was not a guy to stop and smell the roses
He had a minor speech impediment
So his brother Aaron helped explain just what he meant

Now the Jews in Egypt, they all were slaves
And G-d told Moses, “man that be totally lame.”
G-d appeared as a bush on fire.
And said to Moses, “dude you just been hired.”

“Go on back to Egypt Land
And tell old Pharaoh to adopt a new plan
Every person on earth deserves to be free
Like the fishies in the ocean and birdies in the trees”

Now Moses he was scared as heck
That mean old Pharaoh would wring his neck
But he bucked up his courage and went to get the job done
When G-d speaks you listen, ‘cause he be the only one.

Moses went to Pharaoh and he said “hey dude.
Forgive my impertinence, I don’t mean to be rude
But I’m sent to tell you, oh Pharaoh
That the time is now to let my people go.”

But Pharaoh he said “absolutely no way.
Who will build my temples and my super highways?
Them pyramids don’t put up themselves
Moses, take that freedom talk and put it on the shelves”

Moses said, “dude I gotta tell you true
Let my people go or Ten Plagues will fall on you
We’re talking froggies, boils, darkness and death”
But Pharaoh still said no, and Moses was distressed.

First came the blood, but Pharaoh didn’t budge
Then came frogs, leaping out of the mud
Then came the gnats, driving people mad
And then wild beasts, which were also really bad

Then came diseases that made the cows sick
Then came the boils that made people say “ick!”
Then came the hail that fell down upon their heads
And then the locusts ate all the grain for making bread

Then came the darkness, blotting out the light
And then Angel of Death, and Pharaoh gave up the fight
He said, “Go, Moses, all your people can be free.”
But Pharaoh changed his mind and caught them at the Red Sea.

The Jews had left in a hurry, their bread was flat and dry
Pharaoh wanted to force them into the sea to die
For the Jewish people, this could have been end
But the rules of physics were about to bend.

Moses, he parted all the waters
And if Pharaoh had been just a little bit smarter
He would have stopped and not sent his soldiers to attack
But instead he lost his army when the waters went back

The Jews all made it to the far side of the sea
Miriam lead the dancing because they all were free
With freedom comes great responsibility
So let’s make sure all people share in our freedomosity.